Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Woman in Black Review Essay Example For Students
The Woman in Black Review Essay On the 14th of September the Sexeyââ¬â¢s School drama students went to The Fortune Theatre, London and saw the performance of ââ¬ËThe Woman in Blackââ¬â¢. The play was riveting to watch and made the audience scream on more than one occasion; it developed a great sense of tension and created a high level of anxiety in the audience. The plot of the play explored the horror of drama to its bitter ends and combined the power and intensity of live theatre with some of the best effects from cinematic horror shows. Although it was performed by the majority of only two men, Michael Mears and Orlando Wells, it was easy to follow character changes and the swapping between different roles. We will write a custom essay on The Woman in Black Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The props and the general atmosphere that was created gave the stage and set a character of its own as the story reached its climax. The colours of the stage were dismal and gloomy and really helped to ââ¬Ëset the sceneââ¬â¢ and added to the atmosphere. Although there were not many stage props and they were quite basic, they were extremely effective; such as the wicker basket which was used to store paper files and a blanket. Props and how the characters used space made it easy to recognise the characterââ¬â¢s emotions and see which character had what status; such as the use of a hat could give a higher status. Space on stage was used to a good advantage considering there wasnââ¬â¢t much of it and the actors awareness of that space really showed. The actors used the stage with familiarity and confidence and this enhanced the production greatly because it gave the audience great security. An example of this would be right at the beginning when Mr. Kipps trips over some metal buckets when he is walking backwards. The actors wore authentic late Victorian dress and costumes changed to suit changing characters with an open use of clothes rail. The Actor wore a slim brown tie, a pinstriped suit, a white shirt with a waistcoat and the colours of these garments were in dark colours. The older man, Mr Kipps, became different characters by changing his costumes such as wearing different coats and hats, change from black suit, adding a scarf, wearing a brown trench coat and swapping a black hat from a brown hat. The costumes gave a good effect because they were all in dull, dismal colors and really complemented the sets period; they also added a sense of maturity to the characters. The stage was split into two by a gauze which stretched from one side to the other when it was lit from front it became opaque and when it was lit from behind it became transparent. This meant that the gauze concealed the bedroom/nursery behind unopenable/locked door. The gauze also allowed the opportunity for backstage crew to change the set for example the nursery tidy to untidy in matter of minutes. The gauze added scare to the audience because it could flash between visible/concealment in moments. The gauze had a ghostly effect and was a spooky grey. It blended into the rest of the stage really well and was a good idea because it looked effective as a back drop but also hid the ââ¬Ësecond roomââ¬â¢. Behind the gauze there were steps, which were made to look like stairs on a house. This was an imaginative feature because there was no top floor but gave the effect that there was. The stage and props were very realistic and believable, which increased the horror and fear. On the CSL there was a door which was used to create suspense because you did not know what was behind it or what would come through it; the actors were really able to use it effectively. For instance when Mr. Kipps hears noises behind the door, he decides to go and see what it is and slowly creeps up to the door and suddenly it quickly swings open and causes the audience to jump. .ubba1b0f6fb0c40acd1a1ff0261d93f15 , .ubba1b0f6fb0c40acd1a1ff0261d93f15 .postImageUrl , .ubba1b0f6fb0c40acd1a1ff0261d93f15 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ubba1b0f6fb0c40acd1a1ff0261d93f15 , .ubba1b0f6fb0c40acd1a1ff0261d93f15:hover , .ubba1b0f6fb0c40acd1a1ff0261d93f15:visited , .ubba1b0f6fb0c40acd1a1ff0261d93f15:active { border:0!important; } .ubba1b0f6fb0c40acd1a1ff0261d93f15 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ubba1b0f6fb0c40acd1a1ff0261d93f15 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ubba1b0f6fb0c40acd1a1ff0261d93f15:active , .ubba1b0f6fb0c40acd1a1ff0261d93f15:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ubba1b0f6fb0c40acd1a1ff0261d93f15 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ubba1b0f6fb0c40acd1a1ff0261d93f15 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ubba1b0f6fb0c40acd1a1ff0261d93f15 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ubba1b0f6fb0c40acd1a1ff0261d93f15 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ubba1b0f6fb0c40acd1a1ff0261d93f15:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ubba1b0f6fb0c40acd1a1ff0261d93f15 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ubba1b0f6fb0c40acd1a1ff0261d93f15 .ubba1b0f6fb0c40acd1a1ff0261d93f15-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ubba1b0f6fb0c40acd1a1ff0261d93f15:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Provisional Voting EssayThe cast showed a range of acting skills such as body language, facial epression and use of voice. The acting was believeable which made a clever story that was full of surprises and suspense, become real. The acting was very naturalistic. The majority of the play was acted by only two men and this meant they had to multi-role. This required experienced dramatic technique. Use of voice was played with and each character had a significantly different accent or way in which they spoke. The actors managed to define and exaggerate these differences so that characters each had their own identity in voice as well as how they looked. An example would be wh en Mr. Kipps does not understand how his acting is not very interesting, but when he gets given some reading glasses he really gets into his character and the acting of being a different person. Facial expressions helped back up the lines and acting. The Actors voice is fast, nervous, panicky, high pitched which influences audience to be scared. His facial gestures show fear through wide eyes and mouth open an example of this would be when looking into the mist with confused eyes. His facial expressions also make the audience feel sorry for him when he is in the house through his silent nerves as his face stretches and frowns. The acting is naturalistic but also uses a sense of imagination an example of this would be when he pretended there was a dog in the marsh scene; he did this by bending down with his arms open.
Monday, November 25, 2019
buy custom The Rise of China essay
buy custom The Rise of China essay The economy of China has been growing at an extraordinary speed, since the Chinese government launched its market reforms three decades ago. Since 2010, the People republic of China positions as the second largest economy in the world, after the United States. It, also, is the fastest growing economy over the past thirty years, grown consistently at a rate of about thirty percent. This paper discusses why the China rise is a bad thing for the U.S. The rise of China fosters unemployment in the United States. The U.S manufacturing firms are declining due to the influx of cheaply-priced goods from China, such as clothes, machinery and electronics (Haddad and Shepherd 2011). China, being a free market and affording cheap labor; is more conducive to set up a business than the U.S. The U.S manufacturers opt for outsourced labor, which is cheaper for them, hence increasing their profits. Therefore, Americans end up losing on the jobs which increases the rate of unemployment. Secondly, the standard of living among the Americans is low. Since the more highly skilled jobs are now taken away by Chinese, they have to take service industry jobs of lower quality and poorer pay, for instance, fast food work. According to Price (2003), The American job market is fragmented; there exists a growing separation between higher and lower skilled jobs since many middle-skilled jobs are already shipped overseas. Therefore, even if the products coming in the country are cheap, people do not have money to purchase them. Lastly, it has created a trade deficit between China and the U.S due to the difference between the dollar and the Yuan and the fact that China exports more to the U.S than it imports from her (Price, 2003). In conclusion, from the above information, the cons of Chinas rise on the U.S are clear. Therefore, we can only conclude that it is a bad thing for the United States. Buy custom The Rise of China essay
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Coca-Cola Company Financial Results Analysis Essay
The Coca-Cola Company Financial Results Analysis - Essay Example The first one being sales volume growth, structural changes, positive price/mix approximated at 3 percent and most important acquisition of the Great Plains Coca-Cola Bottling Company (ââ¬Å"The Coca-Cola Companyâ⬠, 2012). North American segment is a very sensitive market taking into consideration that the consumers have become highly health conscious owing to the escalating cases of obesity and other lifestyle diseases associated with high sugar and calories diet and beverages. This claim can be justified that ââ¬Å"still beveragesâ⬠recorded a 7 percent volume gain in North America segment while traditional sodas volume was flat as from the previous year (Choi Ap, 2012). This means that most Americans have found a new and better taste in less sugary beverages such as Powerade sports drinks and Fuze teas. North America is an important growth segment for Coca Cola Company and this explain the reasons why the company has become more innovative to find better ratio and alte rnatives to consumers who are health conscious (ââ¬Å"Emerging marketsâ⬠, 2012). For instance, Coca Cola Company came up with a mini-cans targeting consumers watching their diet. Coke Zero is another example of an initiative by the company to tap into the highly health sensitive north America segment as the drink stands out to the best alternative to traditional soda brands provided by the company. It is noteworthy that Coke Zero recorded a 9 percent volume gain in the North America segment. 2. The drivers of profitability Notable drivers for profitability during the third quarter were the global volume gain in developed and emerging market. According to Ziobro (2012), the coca cola company recorded volume boom in almost all its segments with significant volume growth in emerging markets such as India and Thailand. The company recorded a global volume gain of 4 percent in its third quarter earnings(Zacks Equity Research, 2012). Similar characteristics marked by growth in sales volume was evident in geographical operating segments considering that the developed and the emerging markets recorded a 2 percent and 7 percent growth respectively. Data from each geographical operating segment were as follows; Eurasia and Africa Group +11%, Europe Group +1, Latin America Group +5, North America Group +2, and finally Pacific Group +3 (ââ¬Å"The Coca-Cola Companyâ⬠, 2012). It is believed that the strong volume growth in different markets segments will play an important role in boosting coca cola company earnings in future despite the growing competition from key competitors such as PepsiCo. 3. Earnings per Share results Coca Cola Company reported $0.50 Earnings Per Share (EPS) in its third quarter report while the Earnings Per Share (EPS) of the previous financial year was $0.48 which demonstrates a growth in EPS though the company claims that it met the analyst expectation of$0.51 (Zacks Equity Research, 2012). The comparable EPS for the current third quarte r was $0.51 meaning that it fell short by $0.01. The increase in EPS in the current financial year (third quarter) is attributable to increase
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Red Light Camera Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Red Light Camera - Speech or Presentation Example They can give you humble time on the roads, or they make your journey appear long. People affected by road accident can be your friends, relatives, acquaintances and even you. Road safety is paramount to each society in regards to the high number of road carnage that results from violation of traffic rules (Phantom 96). To reduce the number of road accidents in our roads and to ensure that the traffic law breakers are identified and prosecuted, a device that gives evidence over the law breakers has been devised Do you know what they are? They are traffic gadgets that at one point or another you have to encounter them while you are driving- the Red Light Cameras. II. Orientation Phase: A. Point: Today, I want to give you some guidelines on the importance of the red light cameras and discuss the advantages of the red light camera in the traffic system. B. Adaptation: A good number of us drive or will drive over our roads at some point in time. Understanding the red light camera and its advantages in the traffic system is not only important for the those driving over the roads but also for the safety of all other road users and a smooth traffic and order in our roads (Cobra 143). The red light camera can be an important component of traffic enhancement that would serve to guide us in observing the traffic. This is possible only if we get the right motive of the red light cameras and understanding how they work. C. Credibility: the red light camera can be a traffic device you come to love and enjoy their functionality as you drive over the roads or they can become your worst traffic devices as they can land you into several traffic offenses if you fail to understand them. The red light cameras are completely computerized devices that avail the necessary evidence to the concerned authorities for justice to be done on the traffic law violators (Phantom 96). When a road user for instance a motorist, speeds through the intersection of the red light,
Monday, November 18, 2019
Blog critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Blog critique - Essay Example It concentrated on collecting the marketing and advertising materials that reveal the interface between Coca- Cola drink and its consumers. Through the extensive photographic collections that catches local and international distribution, the archivist used those resources and created a blog focusing on modern culture and heritage. However, criticism has risen from various groups and individuals concerning a variety of issues. Primarily, they include environmental matters, business practices, and health effects. The companyââ¬â¢s products and subsidiaries have sustained criticism by both watchdogs and consumers particularly from the onset of 2000s. The health aspect of the Coca-Cola drink has been in the spotlight severally with questions being raised on its disadvantages. Critics have often suggested that the drink leads to obesity and should be considered to be unhealthy. Unbottled is a blog created by the company to be a platform where people could share ideologies about the history of Coca- Cola, advertising, collectibles and the role of the brand in the pop culture. This blog provides unique opportunities for individuals to voice their opinions hence influencing the decision makers directly in a company. The basal purpose of this blog was to introduce the business to social marketing platforms and create a community whereby opinions can be reviewed. The blog creates a sense of community through interactive posting of comments and questions for discussion giving us an opportunity for creating interactions. Through the blog, I have felt more connected to the company in various ways. This has primarily been enhanced by the integrity portrayed by the response team. Not only does the blog educate on the companyââ¬â¢s welfare but portrays strong, inspiring leadership skills that can be employed by the clients. Consistent social interactions demonstrate clear objectives that have been established and the relationship between
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Detrimental Factors Involved In Beauty Pageants English Language Essay
Detrimental Factors Involved In Beauty Pageants English Language Essay Beautiful girls with gorgeous gowns and perfect smiles are the first things that come to mind when thinking about beauty pageants. While all the glam and sparkling crowns may seem quite appealing at first glance, the dangerous reality of pageants creates a flaw in the once perfect image. By taking a closer look, one can find sexual predators watching young girls parade across the stage, or the pressure to be perfect by a childs own parents. Beauty pageants are not what they used to be. When asked about beauty pageants, older generations think of natural beauty and a just for fun atmosphere. Now, beauty pageants have been taken to the next level, called Glitz beauty pageants, creating a bad image for beauty pageants and what they represent. Children are increasingly becoming involved in this world of hair extensions, fake teeth, and spray on tans, while their parents sit back and watch an average childhood of games and toys go down the drain. The murder of Jon-Benet Ramsey, a pageant girl with everything going for her, unveiled a horrifying truth of pageants and the children who take part in them. While some believe pageants cannot possibly result in murder, they are wrong. When parents put their children up on stage with an immense amount of makeup and revealing costumes, they are setting them up for sexual predation. The exploitation of children in beauty pageants should be brought to attention by parents before another child like Jon-Benet Ramsey loses her life. Pageants are obviously not what they used to be. The 1950s pageants that the generations before us participated in concentrated on natural beauty, unlike pageants now. While natural beauty was healthy and helpful to the self-esteem, artificial beauty, the main factor in pageants today, is not healthy and is detrimental to the self-esteem of participants. Child beauty pageants are sending out the wrong message, with the exploitation of children, negative effects on the self-esteem, and outrageous expenses in order to participate. Parents believe pageants are a smart way to gain scholarships and other money prizes for their children. For example, the Universal Royalty pageant, one of the largest beauty pageants in the business, provides a one thousand dollar scholarship to the winner (Nussbaum, 2000). While this may seem like a great prize to win, parents do not take in to consideration the fees required to be successful in this beauty pageant. The registration fee for the Universal Royalty pageant is five hundred and forty-five dollars, with formal gowns costing up to twelve thousand dollars and other fees required to be successful in the pageant (Nussbaum, 2000). Though the prize is one thousand dollars, necessities for the pageant add up to much more than the cash money prize. Most pageants provide a five hundred dollar scholarship to the winner, but costs for the pageant add up to much more than the cash money prize as well (Dittrich, 2001). Nevertheless, parents are still proud of the multiple tiaras and crowns their child has won throughout her years of pageant experience. Figure 1, shown below, is an example of a showcase of tiaras. Figure1: Showcase of Tiaras: Note: Emily Crown Hall of Fame. Photograph. Florida. TVGasm. Web. 1 Apr. 2010. . Without knowing everything involved in the preparation of a beauty pageant, an onlooker would be shocked. To be successful in a professional Glitz beauty pageant, the money is a necessity. The registration fee for a pageant starts at $85 (Dittrich, 2001). With the entry to the pageant comes a glamour shot of the contestant. This usually runs about $700 for a single roll of film (Dittrich, 2001). Trainers cost $40 dollars an hour, and a Glitz dress is usually $1,000 and up (Dittrich, 2001). A flipper, or a device used for replacing missing teeth, cost about $500, and are used constantly in beauty pageants at the professional level (Dental, 1999). Overall, a family spends $30,000 to $40,000 a year to supply their child with the necessary accessories to win a Glitz professional pageant. While money seems to be a dominating issue in beauty pageants, this is not the only negative aspect of being involved in the pageant world. The artificial beauty push seems to be a well-discussed controversy involved in the beauty pageant world today because a child cant possibly be successful in a professional Glitz beauty pageant without the right training and knowledge. Winners of professional beauty pageants have the correct amount of makeup, a pageant coach, a designer dress, fake teeth, commonly known as a flipper, spray on tans, and the right hair pieces to create a fuller look. A newcomer into this kind of pageant would be overwhelmed at how much effort has to be put into one beauty pageant. Nicki Burton, a well-known pageant coach says, You cant be normal and win beauty pageants (Dittrich, 2001). Since so much emphasis is placed on the artificial appearance of a child, natural beauty doesnt seem as important. Many people think beauty pageants are healthy for a childs self image. However, the belief that appearance defines the value of a person is so destructive that many organizations concerned with finding heal thier ways of raising girls have developed criteria to give girls a sounder basis for measuring their worth than pasted-on prettiness (Mann, 1997). Studies show that 77% of girls view themselves as ugly, because of media portraying the perfect girl as skinny and beautiful (Offbeat, 2007). Since beauty pageants have winners only with the perfect image, beauty pageants are contributing to the percentage of girls who do not have a good self-image of themselves. Artificial beauty is not healthy, which creates a negative side of beauty pageants that many do not realize. Some parents believe that beauty pageants have a positive effect on children. This is not uncommon, which is why so many children are entered into beauty pageants on a daily basis. Whether these parents arent informed of the harmful effects of beauty pageants, or if parents choose to ignore these harmful effects, beauty pageants are still unsafe. Many parents say that pageants are a fun way for children to compete with other children their age, and have the potential to help pay for a college education with scholarships offered to the winner (Catwalk, 1997). But experts highly disagree. Though parents may think pageants create a healthy competitive side of a child and increase their social interactions with other contestants, pageants actually hinder the growth of social qualities in contestants (Eder, 1997). Children dont socialize with other contestants in pageants, due to the intense competition involved in beauty pageants. Marie Sprague, a former model and modeling instructor, be lieves that pageants develop poise, personality, and confidence (Harris, 1997). But what Sprague and many other people fail to consider is how all of these qualities are developed. Developing a personality from pageants may not be the healthiest way for children to grow, according to some psychologists. Psychologists do not like the idea of children focusing on their outer beauty so much (Catwalk, 1997). This creates an unhealthy environment for children to be around, therefore making beauty pageants unsafe for beauty pageant contestants. Experts seem to agree, including Dr. Miles Frank. In an interview with Dr. Miles Frank on January 26, 2010, a licensed physician for children, the negative aspects of pageants were highlighted. Dr. Frank believes that names such has Little Miss Perfect have a negative impact on children participating in these sort of pageants. He believes that If too much emphasis is placed on winning the pageant, the outcome will have more effect. And since most girls who are in pageants will lose, I think you are more likely to set your child up to have a poor self image (Dr. Miles Frank, personal communication). This makes sense. While many parents believe pageants are a good stepping-stone to a better self-esteem, they are wrong. If ten girls participated in a particular beauty pageant, one out of the ten girls may gain a positive self-esteem. What happens to the rest of the nine contestants? They are left to obsess over why they did not win the pageant, causing a poor self-image (Dr. Miles Frank, personal communication). In an interview with Stephanie Throckmorton, the negative effects of beauty pageants nearly doubled the positive effects of beauty pageants. After involving her daughter in a few local beauty pageants, she decided to try a Glitz pageant for fun. She refuses to be involved with professional pageants now, due to the dominance of artificial beauty and unrealistic fees. Stephanie said, going to a beauty pageant at that level made me feel uncomfortable, and forced me to realize my daughter could not compete with these girls at the level of income we are at (Stephanie Throckmorton, personal communication). This is seen not only in professional beauty pageants, but also at the local level. Going to any beauty pageant for entertainment purposes gives the individual the opportunity to see the negative effects beauty pageants have on their young contestants. After observing a local pageant, young contestants who did not win were seen telling their parents they werent good enough, or not pretty anymore (Beauty contestants, personal communication). The parents who believe beauty pageants build self-esteem in a positive way are the parents of the winner in the pageant, not the contestants who didnt receive recognition of their performance on stage. Girls are constantly being put down mentally by being involved in pageants. After talking to the girls who did not place, it was clear that they did not have fun with the pageant (Beauty contestants, personal communication). They wanted to know why they werent the winner. Telling a child they didnt win because someone was better than them is the message beauty pageants send to people without knowing it, causing the drastic shift f rom a positive self-image to a negative self-image in many young girls lives. Pageant girls are beautiful, plain and simple. But what goes on behind the stage to transform these girls into perfection? Children in beauty pageants literally turn into someone they normally arent, coming across as fake. According to Judy Mann, a writer for the Washington Post, children are constantly being pushed to perfection with unrealistic looks women could actually attain (Mann, 1997). Pageant children are always trying to reach a goal that is impossible to achieve. The idea of perfection eats away at a childs mind, causing them to do anything to reach this impractical goal. This explains why so many pageant girls are unnaturally thin and have a face painted with too much makeup. Over seven million women have suffered from an eating disorder (Eating Disorder, 2006). The projection of the perfect body image from beauty pageants is not helping this number go down. Nicki Burton, a well-known pageant coach for all ages, thinks a pageant girl has to look a certain way, act a certa in way, and eat a certain way (Dittrich, 2001). Usually, a pageant girl is not the person she appears to be. When she is on stage, she pretends to be someone she isnt, merely to impress a line of judges. Though it may seem like the child is the one striving so hard to be perfect, this is not the case. Parents push their children to the limit, and at any costs. Reporters for the St. Louis Post Dispatch say, parents who let their child compete in beauty pageants may be so focused on their own needs that they fail to see the negative effectsà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ on their child (Eder, 1997). Because parents cannot be satisfied with children who are not perfect, parents are making the pageant world have a harmful effect on the children who participate. The combination of parents, and the desire to be perfect all have a lot to contribute to the detrimental aspects of pageantry. Some parents put their children in beauty pageants because they want to promote their child in a positive way. Contestants like to participate in pageants to showcase their talents, such as singing, dancing, or their wow-wear portion of the competition (Trujillo, 2007). Parents like to see their children on stage, no matter what they are doing, because they think pageants are fun for the child (Dittrich, 2001). By promoting their child in beauty pageants, parents arent realizing that they are exploiting their child on stage. The exploitation of children happens all the time in beauty pageants. Children are being exposed in a sexual manner, causing sexual predators to notice. Many seem to notice that when a child takes her top layer off, exposing a smaller outfit underneath, she receives a louder applause (Dittrich, 2001). Not only is the child sexually exposed, but she is also trained to take her clothes off to win. Pageant coaches train their pageant girls to project sexuality, because that is what wins (Eder, 1997). Parents constantly overlook the dangers of tiny outfits and a face covered in makeup when trying to win at any costs. Jon-Benet Ramsey was found in the basement of her parents house, strangled and sexually assaulted. She was an active participant in professional beauty pageants, with a bright future ahead of her. Her parents, John and Patsy Ramsey, supplied her with all the necessities to win a pageant, including the makeup, spray on tan, hair extensions, and other items. Many wonder what this has to do with her murder. If she had not participated in pageants, and experienced the exploitation caused by her parents, many seem to think this murder would have never taken place, and Jon-Benet Ramsey would have lived a normal life (Reed, 2010). At first glance, Jon-Benet Ramsey looks as if shes twenty years old, shown below in Figure 2. Figure2: Glamour Shot of Jon-Benet Ramsey Note: Jonbenet1. 2009. Photograph. Brandy Lewis Forensics. Web. 1 Apr. 2010. . However, she was only six when she was choked to death (Verrengia, 1997). While the death of an innocent child is a tragedy, it should have been expected, due to the exploitation of Jon-Benet in the beauty pageant world. Many believe that parents push their children to participate in beauty pageants because it was something the parents, particularly the mother, have been interested in. Patsy Ramsey, Jon-Benet Ramseys mother, was a former beauty queen, and it is said that she put Jon-Benet in beauty pageants in order to relive her unfulfilled fantasies through her daughter (Reed, 2010). This explains why Patsy Ramsey has so often been accused of exploiting her child in the pageant world and eventually causing the death of her daughter. The smell of hairspray, the glitter of white smiles, and the desire to win fill the atmosphere of a regular pageant. But what people dont realize is that the feeling of defeat, the crushing of a childs self confidence, and the unbearable urge to be flawless also exist at a pageant. While a child prances across the stage with her white smile and sparkly gown, she is susceptible to sexual assault, hindered social interactions, and a belief that what she has to offer not relating to beauty means nothing. The death of Jon-Benet Ramsey was a tragedy. Jon-Benet was a girl just like every other pageant girl. But who knew her interest in beauty pageants would eventually lead to her death? Parents need to realize the dangers of beauty pageants, and what could happen to their precious child if being beautiful suddenly crosses the line.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Amish :: essays research papers
The Amish the ââ¬Å"Plain Peopleâ⬠My article is on the Amish Community and their vague and simplified way of life. Most of my essay will emphasize the culture and tradition of the Amish. According to the Pennsylvania, Dutch Country Welcome Center, ââ¬Å" The Amish are a religious group who live in the settlements in 22 states and in Ontario Canada. The oldest groups of old order Amish, about 16- to 18,000 live in Landcaster County PA. These people stress humility, family and separation from the rest of the world. The Amish are best known for their cultural simplicity such as riding horses and buggies as opposed to forbidden automobiles. They also shun electricity, by using fire lit lanterns, radio and any other modern electronics that will jeopardize delicate lifestyle. In this effort, their lives are quiet, slower, and religious to the unseen and unspoken media and scenery to foreign culture. However, instead the Amish get their messages across by telegram, daily journals, by foot or bicycle as opposed to telephones. They have worship in their homes as well as church. Amish are trilingual, Pennsylvania Dutch, they pray in German and are taught Standard English in school. However, regarding the issue of school, The Amish do not believe in school past the eight grade. For, the parents of these children are fearful that a full education will give these youths a more modern insight and that will have some temptation to explore the unseen other world. à à à à à à à à à à The women and girls of this culture and religion will never have cut their hair, but wear it back in a bun. They wear plain fabric dresses reaching floor length, and wear a prayer in their hair indicating- white if married, black if single and no jewelry. As for the males and boys, dark colored suits, brim straw hats, long coats. They do not have mustaches and will grow beards after marriage. à à à à à à à à à à For the Amish, religion, family, and community are empirical. The Amish start seeking out marital spouses by the age of 16 and most women are married by the age 20 or so. However, before a marriage can take its proper place, the couple must be joined in at a church, and must be baptized into the Amish faith at about age 17, having followed the written laws known as ââ¬Å"ordnung.â⬠When the couple has established marital plans, they must keep it a secret from their parents till the months of July or August.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Current Market Condition Analysis
Current Market Conditions Competitive Analysis Karon Kanadjian ECO/365 April 10, 2013 Current Market Conditions Competitive Analysis Apple is probably one of the most recognized companies in the world when it comes the designing, development, and marketing of cutting edge technology with products that everyone wishes to own. Apple Inc. (Apple) was founded and incorporated in 1977 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniack, making headlines with the release of the apple I computer.According to ââ¬Å"Reuters Edition U. S. â⬠(2013), ââ¬Å" The Company's products and services include iPhone, iPad, Mac, iPod, Apple TV, a portfolio of consumer and professional software applications, the iOS and OS X operating systems, iCloud, and a variety of accessory, service and support offeringsâ⬠(para. 1). With two decades of predominantly manufacturing personal computers, including the Apple II, Macintosh, and Power Mac Lines, the company began facing rocky sales and low market share.With a combi nation of low sales, high pressure demands on the staff, and continued struggles regarding the companyââ¬â¢s direction between Jobs and Sculley his CEO, Jobs surprisingly was ousted from the company in 1985. Siegel (à 2011), ââ¬Å"A power struggle erupted between Sculley and Jobs. In the spring of 1985 Apple's board sided with the CEO, removing Jobs from his command of the Macintosh groupâ⬠(para. 1).He however returned with the greatest comeback in 1996 after the procurement of NeXT by Apple. Steve Jobs shortly was appointed interim CEO where he inspired a new corporate philosophy of recognizable products and simple designs. Today Apple has established itself as a leader in the consumer electronic and media sales industries and has surpassed Google and Microsoft combined in sales with $156 billion in 2012 (Edstrom & Holt, 2012) .In an extremely competitive trade, companies are trying to invent continually ways to retain their current customers and continue to have an edg e to appeal to the new growing market of customers, especially in these very tough times economically, where people face even tougher decision making choices about the phone they purchase and the type of service they select. With the transition from 3Gââ¬â¢s to 4Gââ¬â¢s, companies are staging a bid to their existing customers as well as the new customers promising excellent service and plenty of extras bonuses to lure them into their clutches.They recognize customer loyalty is a thing of the past with the longevity of merely two years for an average customers contract before making a switch to another provider. This accelerating trend has become a main factor in companies raising the bar in quality while dropping their prices especially for smartphones. With the rise in blogging, a potential customer can obtain reviews of cell phones and the differences of the product features. They can determine the advantage or disadvantage of a particular phone offered as a bonus with a con tract commitment.Even You Tube has search sites that allow you to watch various video reviews (ââ¬Å"Effects Of The Emerging Competition Of Cellular Phone Companies,â⬠à 2012). As mobile phones become a vital, and integral part of most individuals everyday living, cellular phone companies have had to continue to target the demands of this implausible market. Many telecommunication companies give cell phones as a bonus to their packages, but the unrelenting predicament they face is, which phone do they offer that will beat out the competitors, take a larger share of the market, and still manage to be profitable.With this fierce competition among the cell phone providers, some companies have turned to consolidation with other providers. Merging together has offered their talents to pool and offer top-notch phones and services. For example, Google purchased Motorolla in 2011 enabling them to compete significantly with Apple in both the software and hardware division. The same go es for Microsoft, who partnered with Nokia in producing the Windows Smartphone (ââ¬Å"Effects Of The Emerging Competition Of Cellular Phone Companies,â⬠à 2012).If the predictions hold true, the next few years will see more mergers allowing companies to remain in the game. One issue affecting Apple is the competiveness from other cell phone companies such as Samsung having somewhat identical features on some of their products at a lower price. Apple simply faces a vastly improving competitive threat with game changing capability. The advantage of other companies is the ability to cover a whole variety of products ââ¬â phones, smartphones, tablets, TVs, and domestic goods like fridges (Shaughnessy, 013). Through the years Apple has created expensive devices that customers are willing to pay over $600 for a phone, but they need to create a market in the lower price categories of smartphones to compete with some of their competitorââ¬â¢s like Samsung who has created a cla mor for quality products at a relatively inexpensive price range that fulfills customer requirements and requests, and thereby potentially overlook an expensive Apple device for a Samsung product (Shaughnessy, 2013).On the contrary, Louie Partners, and a former member of TiVoââ¬â¢s board, says ââ¬Å"Apple is the one company in the world thatââ¬â¢s powerful enough to take on monopolies and force them to change. â⬠Apple products have created their own following of customers who will wait outside their stores in the rain to get the newest product and their items demand is considered relatively elastic. Either way it is examined, it could imply Apple shows a potential for both demand elasticity and demand inelasticity (s3hrlich, 2012) (Murray, 2012).The costs to stay in the game are staggering. Apple has variable costs such as raw material costs, packaging, and labor, which are directly involved in the companyââ¬â¢s manufacturing process of phones. The ââ¬Å"A Tale Of A pple, The IPhone, And Overseas Manufacturingâ⬠à (2012) websiteà gives an unsettling look at Apple and offers an exhaustive report by Keith Bradsher and Charles Duhigg of the New York Times. The report based upon numerous interviews with current Apple employees as well as former employees concerns the iPhone production and the practice of abroad manufacturing.It also includes excessive, oppressive, and illegal overtime hours, hazardous conditions, inappropriate, and sometimes forced labor of 16-18 year-old student ââ¬Å"internsâ⬠on night shifts with wages so low that 64 % of workers claim their pay does not cover their basic needs (Eisenbrey, 2012). Americanââ¬â¢s are quick to criticize Apple for its facility in China employing 230,000 people, six days a work week, 12- hour shifts, and many of the workers earn $17 per day or less. More than one fourth of the employees live in dormitories considered deplorable to American standards.Through the efforts of the manufac turing plant in China, Apple can stay ahead of the game. An example given was concerning the CEO Steve Jobs in 2007, shy of a month before the new scheduled iPhone was to show up in stores. Jobs was furious with the prototype he was carrying in his pocket a few weeks prior along with his keys, as the front glass screen was majorly marred. He gave them only one solution, to use glass that was unscratchable, and he wanted it perfect in six weeks!With an assembly line overhauled in a Chinese factory and new screens arriving shortly at the manufacturing facility, before midnight a supervisor woke up 8,000 workers at their companyââ¬â¢s dormitories and within an hour they began a 12-hour shift fitting the new glass into the devices. According toà ââ¬Å"A Tale Of Apple, The Iphone, And Overseas Manufacturingâ⬠à (2012),à â⬠Within 96 hours, the plant was producing more than 10,000 iPhones a day a 12-hour shift fitting glass screens into beveled frames. â⬠à (para. 1-3). If Apple needed 3,000 people overnight, it was accomplished in the factories of China.Could you see 3,000 people in a U. S. plant being hired overnight? With cheap labor and production speed as shown, it is a big incentive for Apple. According toà ââ¬Å"A Tale Of Apple, The IPhone, And Overseas Manufacturingâ⬠à (2012),à ââ¬Å"The entire supply chain is in China now,â⬠the article quotes a former high-ranking Apple executive as saying. ââ¬Å"You need a thousand rubber gaskets? That's the factory next door. You need a million screws? That factory is a block away. You need that screw made a little bit different? It will take three hoursâ⬠(para. 1-3). The U. S. ould not compete with the speed of a company in China taking 15 days to assemble 8,700 industrial engineers to oversee employees amassing the iPhone. The average U. S. company would take as long as nine months to be ready to commence work. This depicts a vibrant picture of how companies in China wo rk versus companies in the U. S. The cost structure for the iPhone is divided as 15 dollars to manufacturing cost, $207 to major components, $89 to other costs, making a profit of $319. Appleââ¬â¢s profit per phone is more than 20 times the labor cost, according to Ross Eisenbrey.Apple has changed the world with its technological innovations being responsible for nearly 50,000 American jobs, but it is not enough. It needs to rebuild American manufacturing of the past where employees worked reasonable hours and a decent wage was the standard. Most of the phone components are assembled in China or Asia however, on the bright side, the glass for the iPhone manufactured in Kentucky is reviving a Corning factory. It has grown to more than $700 million a year, employing close to 1,000 Americans supporting the emerging market.As the market has continued to expand so has the glass manufacturing plants extending to Japan, and Taiwan. Most of Corningââ¬â¢s customers are in Taiwan, Korea , Japan and China, making it profitable to build and produce their glass factories next door to the assembly factories overseas (London,à 2012). A major factor affecting cellular phones in the current market conditions are fixed cost. Some major providers are offering consumers a flat monthly rate to ensure they sign their current mobile contract, but mid-way through the contract, the carriers are silently raising the prices customers are currently paying.Of the four major networks, three have reportedly either raised their rates or discontinued their current monthly deals. The planned hike in prices help the networks counterbalance the high costs of the mobile Web, the delivering of apps, and mobile video. The demand for faster networks and upgrades are estimated to cost the industry a whopping $50 billion a year (ââ¬Å"Cnn Moneyâ⬠, à 2011). During 2012, Apple fell short of being the top brand for cell phones although Samsungââ¬â¢s sales soared (Muller, 2012). However, Apple continues to improve their products as people tend to want the latest upgraded phone to have minimal problems. Apple will increase its U. S. smartphone share and possibly increase its profit margin per phone as well with its new iPhone 4S, according to multiple industry analystsâ⬠(Palenchar, 2011, para. 1). Possessing more shares available gives Apple more room to grow and make changes to their product. The Apple app store alone has 500,000 apps while the Android store carries 45,000 (Warren, 2011). A large amount of the profit comes from the app store. The Apple app store has thousands more apps than the Android market. Developers should continue creating apps for Apple to help increase profits.Apple is a very popular cell phone. To increase their profits they should decrease their price making their supply and the demand increase for their brand. With technology so advance, maybe the next big thing for Apple is a built in mind reader in out cellular device! References Muller, R. (2012). Mobile phone sales. My broad brand. Retrieved from: http://mybroadband. co. za/news/gadgets/64760-most-popular-cellphone-brands-in-the-world. html/attachment/mobile-phone-sales Palenchar, J. (20111). Apple Seen Raising Share, Maximizing Profits With iPhone 4S. Twice. Retrieved
Friday, November 8, 2019
A Look at the Theory of Evolution essays
A Look at the Theory of Evolution essays When choosing between which of the to types of beliefs I believe in, I chose the theory of evolution. I just can not imagine how humans could just pop up one day on earth. We must have evolved over the years to be here. I believe that evolution did occur, and we evolved from an earlier species. Whether it had been, fish or monkeys, we evolved from a species so we could live the every day life that we do now, And I think it is very interesting on how we can to learn how all this had happened. According to evolution, all life had to have come from one common uni-cellular organism by natural selection. Which is organisms with traits favorable for the environment are more likely to survive, reproduce, and pass on the favorable traits. Charles Darwin's theory of evolution states that organic life sprung from non-organic matter exclusively through a natural, mechanistic process on pre-living earth. That original life form involved through mutations and natural selection over a period. The definition of evolution is a process that results in heritable changes in a population spread over many generations. Now, of course, there are ways that evolution could not have occurred. Such as, natural selection (the supposed evolution mechanism, along with mutations) is incapable of advancing an organism to a "higher order." Now there are times that some changes that can cause many great variations between different species, and when that happens, interbreeding cannot occur. So then wh en this happens, a new species is created. And when Darwin's published his book "The Origin of Species," some 144 years ago, this led most people to believe that humans did evolve from a different species many years ago. Creationism is mainly a belief by most Christians that God created earth and everything on it. Most people are brought up to believe in creationism, and it is not something you just chose from. It has been nearly banished from the public school c...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Ethics of Abortion
It is widely accepted that the fact of abortion has been a subject of conversation and controversy for many decades. Since the proportion of people who accept abortion as a ââ¬Ënormalââ¬â¢ procedure is equal to the proportion of those who think of abortion as a ââ¬Ëââ¬Ëcrimeââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢, through time a lot of measurements have been taken against abortion but concerning itââ¬â¢s defense as well. Although the fact of abortion has been examined through itââ¬â¢s scientific and religious side, in this assignment we will try and examine abortion from an ethical point of view. The best way for someone to refer to abortion on an ethical basis would probably be through the description and evaluation of the subject based on two of the most known theoretical approaches: those of Kantââ¬â¢s and of Utilitarianism (Act and Rule). Beginning with the approach of Utilitarianism, we must say that Utilitarianism, is concerned basically with pleasure and with pain. Therefore someone should be concerned with the amounts of pleasure and pain in situations where abortion is permitted as contrasted with the amounts of pleasure and pain where abortion is forbidden. It might be suggested that the main consideration would be the interests of the fetus: not only can its future life be expectedly happy (or at least having a balance of happiness over suffering) it might also be the case that the abortion itself is painful, particularly if it occurs later in the pregnancy. However this focus on the fetus is unwarranted since any suffering involved in the abortion itself can be avoided by simply aborting the pregnancy sooner (before the fetus has even developed the capability of suffering), or with painless techniques. The direct suffering of the fetus can therefore be no argument against abortion generally, only the bad practice of it. A more significant consideration exists if we hypothesize that the future life of the fetus involves a probable balance of happiness over suffer... Free Essays on Ethics of Abortion Free Essays on Ethics of Abortion It is widely accepted that the fact of abortion has been a subject of conversation and controversy for many decades. Since the proportion of people who accept abortion as a ââ¬Ënormalââ¬â¢ procedure is equal to the proportion of those who think of abortion as a ââ¬Ëââ¬Ëcrimeââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢, through time a lot of measurements have been taken against abortion but concerning itââ¬â¢s defense as well. Although the fact of abortion has been examined through itââ¬â¢s scientific and religious side, in this assignment we will try and examine abortion from an ethical point of view. The best way for someone to refer to abortion on an ethical basis would probably be through the description and evaluation of the subject based on two of the most known theoretical approaches: those of Kantââ¬â¢s and of Utilitarianism (Act and Rule). Beginning with the approach of Utilitarianism, we must say that Utilitarianism, is concerned basically with pleasure and with pain. Therefore someone should be concerned with the amounts of pleasure and pain in situations where abortion is permitted as contrasted with the amounts of pleasure and pain where abortion is forbidden. It might be suggested that the main consideration would be the interests of the fetus: not only can its future life be expectedly happy (or at least having a balance of happiness over suffering) it might also be the case that the abortion itself is painful, particularly if it occurs later in the pregnancy. However this focus on the fetus is unwarranted since any suffering involved in the abortion itself can be avoided by simply aborting the pregnancy sooner (before the fetus has even developed the capability of suffering), or with painless techniques. The direct suffering of the fetus can therefore be no argument against abortion generally, only the bad practice of it. A more significant consideration exists if we hypothesize that the future life of the fetus involves a probable balance of happiness over suffer...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Smoking and How to Quit Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Smoking and How to Quit - Assignment Example Gathering evidence can be time-consuming and hectic if the researcher is not well guided on how to do it. Different patients require different study designs and methods of gathering evidence. Finding research evidence can be undertaken by using the 7 levels study types for evidence-based research. They include; This study relies heavily on randomized control trial whereby smokers are randomized into different groups and each group receives a different treatment. At the end of the trial, the effects of the different treatments are measured. This helps to compare and decide on which treatment is the best. The evidence types found could be referred to other health professionals especially those pertaining to physical health and their professional opinions could be used in determining the best smoking cessation methods. Mostly the evidence found using systems research and summaries is usually very conclusive and could be used in determining the best nicotine usage cessation techniques. Extensive studies conducted could gather a lot of data concerning how many people have successfully managed to quit in a number of therapy clinics and which methods best worked for them. Some health team members that could be referred to with this evidence include; cardiologists, psychologists, pulmonologists, probation workers, dermatologist, opticians and nephrologists (Funnel, 2008). These health professionals once they access the clinic system and analyze the data that has been collected will be able to give their professional opinion about the best quitting technique. Patients need to consult with their family members so that they can help in deciding which is the best method for smoking cessation, based on the evidence type used in research (Boyle, 2010). Involving the patientââ¬â¢s family members is important because it will help the patient to get moral support from family members.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Summary of Transportation Research Record Assignment
Summary of Transportation Research Record - Assignment Example This explains why the last decade has seen the addition of only 7 runways. Nevertheless, quite a number of secondary airports have experienced tremendous growth, becoming the desired airports for specific destinations. This does not undermine the fact that they have been experiencing delays and congestion, especially in peak periods due to lack of places for the planes to land. The larger part of the funding for the airports in Denver, Colorado can be traced back to the federal government. However, decisions pertaining to the operation, building and expansion of the facilities are handled at local and state levels. It has been recognized that delays and congestion in airports can only be remedied by comprehensive remedies. This article examines air travel since it is always a pointer as to the direction taken by Gross Domestic Product of a particular state. In essence, there are concerns about the delays and congestion in many airports resulting from lack of space for expansion. Communities neighboring the airports are also against the expansion due to traffic as well as noise from the planes. This problem however would not be solved by simplistic remedies but a combination of solutions geared addressing the financial, technical and even social aspect of the airports, more so in relation with the
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